Geographic coverage of French pine
We have all seen a pine, even without realising it.
For some people, pine trees go hand-in-hand with sun, sea and scrublands. For others, it is a symbolic tree of the Gascogne region or Corsica. And for some it is a tree of the low mountain regions, capable of growing in the most unexpected of areas.
In any case, we all live with pine trees, sometimes without even knowing it. They are all around us.
Pine trees are used decoratively, in parks, cities, private gardens or on the coast, but they also make up large forests spread out across almost all of France, as seen on the map below.
This map was produced by the National Geographic Institute (IGN) from inventory data gathered between 2005 and 2012.
It marks out the volume of standing timber from "production" forests, for all species of the genus PINUS, by imaginary plots of 20 km by 20 km (400 km2).
It's easy to see why French pine deserves its designation given how much of it is spread throughout the country!