FRENCH PINE in figures
Volume of pine found in forests
Here are the volumes of pine found in french forests by variety :
Statistics from the National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN) - field surveys conducted between 2005 and 2012)
I.e. an overall volume of standing pine of 363 million m3
- 2,518 million m3 (all species combined) i.e. 15% of standing wood.
- 892 million m3 (all resinous trees combined) i.e. 40% of standing resinous trees
Pine forests are 78% privately owned, i.e. a higher percentage than private ownership of all French Forest.
According to the National Wood Federation (FNB), French production of pine timber in 2012 is divided into:
I.e. 2.2 million m3 of French pine timber per year, or 28% of all timber.
Pine is the second variety of sawn timber in France after the "white resinous trees" comprising fir and spruce (3.7 million m3 / year). For comparison, the Douglas represents 734,000 m3 /year.
Not all pine varieties appear in the sawn timber statistics because several varieties are not differentiated by Forest operators or loggers. Timber volumes included in "other pine" are therefore partly included in the Scots pine and maritime pine volumes.
Some pine is not used or is destined for crushing (chipboard, paper) or energy production (heating and electricity). Steps are being taken to try and promote the use of these pine trees because once mechanically graded, they are a useful local resource for constructing wood-frame walls and framing.