How the "French Pine" initiative unfolded
In 2012, on the initiative of the current Chairman, Paul LESBATS, the professionals of the APEP appealed to the FNB and France Bois Forêt to help finance and implement a communication campaign on French pine.
The campaign began in Carrefour du Bois in 2014. Its initial objective was to highlight all the different uses of pine, particularly in construction, decoration and outdoor structures, in an attempt to further increase the role of pine within these sectors.
Indeed, since the APEP was founded wood has been increasingly used in construction, particularly for wood-frame walls, glued laminated timber, cladding and decking. Previous structures that were 30 or more years old therefore needed to be updated.
One of the campaign's other goals was to unite pine industry stakeholders to create an authentic "French pine" industry.
The name "PINS DE FRANCE" (FRENCH PINE) was therefore chosen, for use in all communication campaigns. Even though different pine varieties are destined for different uses depending on their characteristics, they are all very similar so will all benefit from this joint campaign.
If you are involved in pine working and sawing and you are not yet a member of the APEP, come and join us!
In 2014, the APEP was made up of around 30 members.